Saturday, August 11, 2007

"Cousins .... Cousins ....and the Real McCoys!"

Looks Just Like Frank but its Goran Lovre! Famous Soccer player .... actually from Belgium but of Croatian ancestry. Helen, Agnes, and Mary McCoy McCoy Homestead in Ireland! Agnes McCoy David McCoy The McCoy family who survived the Titanic. Agnes McCoy, Helen McCoy and David McCoy. VERY interesting story. See the Titanic-Encylopedia for details. What ever the Sport it seems a Lovre does it. Here sailing on a lake in Spit Croatia. This is in Croatia near where the Lovre family lived and worked. The Baron's castle, the man who ran the local government and owned most of the land. The LandLord .... Also cousins of the Real McCoys of McCoy and Hatfield feud in Tenn.! Fame!!! Or Infamy!!! Local Irish McCoy Chapel RC Cathedral County Sligo Ireland Rather Barren Potato Crop in Sligo... Don't really know this Lovre HOWEVER he sure has the Mike and Frank attitude when it comes to being photographed

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