Thursday, August 9, 2007

We Keep Digging!

Korana Canyon Croatia Attached photo is of general area and town their village was associated with. Can't read a word of the post card ... YET! Todays Republika Hrvatska (Croatia) GrandDad Petar lists himself as being from Bregana, Austria and originally Croatian. Bregana was part of the Austrian Empire before WWI and independent later and then part of Yugoslavia and now independent again. GrandDad Petar's dad was Perko Lovre also of Bregana. Blas Lugavac, Meyo BlasKovic, Meyo (?) Lovre and Anton Geranica all came together to USA and were somewhat related and/or friends. Their sponsor was Paul Lovre of Rural Box 69 Trafford, Pa. Not sure of all details YET! but we will sort it all out.

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